I shall be listing the breeds of Poultry and also a brief explanation about this breeds of Poultry here to every one understanding.
Breeds of Poultry:
- RHODE ISLAND REDS: Two varieties of this breed are
- Single comb and
- Rose comb.
The standard weight in kilogramme is 3.8 for cock, 3.0 for Hen; 3.4 for cockerel and 2.5 for Pullets. The colour of the egg is brown to dark brown.
- PLYMOUTH ROCE: Seven varieties of Plymouth Rocks, each distinguished by its plumage. They are;
- Barred
- White
- Buff
- Silver Penciled
- Blue
- Partridge
- Columbian.
Mature birds weigh from 3.5 to 4.5kg
- New Hampshire: The breed is a good producer of large brown shelled eggs. The cock weigh 3.8kg, cockerel 3.4kg, Hen 2.7kg and Pullet 2.5kg.
- BRAHMA: Three varieties of breeds have been produced. This breeds are;
- Light
- Dark and
- English breeds
- SUSSEX: Two varieties of Sussex breed axist and those are:
- Light Sussex and
- Red Sussex.
The standard weights in kg are: cock 4kg, Hen 3.1kg, Cockerel 3.4kg, and Pullet 2.7kg.
- AUSTRALORP: This has breed principally breed for egg production rather than meat production. The standard weight of Australorp in kg is cock3.8kg, hen 3.0kg, cockerel 3.4kg and pullet 2.5kg.
- ORPHINGTON: Four varieties exist, namely;
- Buff
- Black
- White
- Blue.
Mature birds of Australorp weighs from 4.5kg.
(C) Mediterranean breeds:
- LEGHORN: This is the world’s number one egg producer. Twelve varieties exist, but only three are popularly known.
- Single comb white
- Single comb buff and
- Single comb light brown. Matured birds weigh form 2 to 2.7kg.
- MINORCA: The standard weight in kg : cock 4.1kg, cockerel 3.4kg, Hen 2kg, and pullet 2.8kg