For Poultry farming to be highly effective we needed to adopt the Primary Requirements In Poultry Farming. Which makes it work for long. This page has covered all that. In practicing poultry farming business, consideration should be made for the planning stage:
Primary Requirements In Poultry Farming
Land: There must be availability of land within government approved farming environment.
Money or Capital: Must be available to cover cost of executing the poultry project.
Labour: This involved the availability of qualified or experienced workers.
Managerial Skills: Either the farmer or an employee must possess supervisory abilities for daily operations of the farm.
An intending poultry farmer should also consider certain facts before going into poultry farming. Which have to do with three types of workers. It has to do with;
Skill: The liverstockman or poultry farmer must have skill
Services: The Feedman who is to produce balanced feeds must be familiar with feed formulation.
Experience: The Veterinarian who is to handle diagnosis, prevention and treatment aspects of poultry disease must have professional expertise.
So before you start up anything, your first plans and thinking should be about Primary Requirements In Poultry Farming, then once that has been put in place you can now take your second step , which is implementing your ideas.
The next stage will be, for you to watch well the out come of your ideas. Please do not rush into farming business, because without proper plan you will still rush out of the business.